December 11, 2013

12 Features of Christmas Day 2: Improved Issue Creation

We’re on day two of the Twelve Features of Christmas. Today’s feature is a big improvement for everyone who uses Bugsnag with one of our many supported issue tracking services such as GitHub Issues, JIRA and Asana.

Quickly access issue tickets from your Bugsnag dashboard

Create an issue in your issue tracking service directly from an error page on your Bugsnag dashboard. Once the issue has been created, follow the provided link directly to the issue page.

Automatically resolve Bugsnag errors from Github Issues

Starting today, if you mark an issue as closed in GitHub, we’ll also automatically resolve that issue in Bugsnag. This also allows you to mark errors as resolved in Bugsnag using GitHub’s commit message integration, eg git commit -m “Fixes #42”!

We’ll be rolling out two-way resolving on many of our other issue tracking services in the near future.

We’d Love Your Feedback

Get in contact with us via email to tell us what you think about the new feature. We’d love to hear your feedback! Stay posted via our blog or twitter to see what we release tomorrow!

BugSnag helps you prioritize and fix software bugs while improving your application stability
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