December 18, 2014

Twelve Features of Christmas Day 7: New Project Email Notifications

For day 7 of the 12 Features of Christmas we’re excited to give you control over the email notifications you receive for new projects! In your account settings, you can now indicate that you no longer wish to receive email notifications for newly created projects.

Unsubscribe New Projects

As an admin, we keep you in the loop by making sure you’re always up to date on the latest from all your projects, but when they’re heavily service oriented, we know this can get hectic.

To give you more control over your alerts, you can now decide if you want to receive notifications for all projects, or just some. In your user settings, choose to unsubscribe from new project email notifications. Instead, you can manually subscribe to the projects that matter most.


We’d love to hear your feedback. Reach us on Twitter!

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