December 16, 2013

Twelve Features of Christmas Day 7: Browser & OS Breakdowns

We’re now one week into our Twelve Features of Christmas (phew!) and we’re continuing our quest to highlight the most common trends and patterns in your errors.

As of right now you’ll see browser and operating system breakdown charts for your JavaScript errors, directly on the error details pages of your Bugsnag dashboard. We’ve even back-populated these using existing data, so you won’t need to update your Bugsnag notifier code!

Browser breakdown

Having a breakdown of affected browsers helps you immediately see if each error was limited to a particular browser, or class of browsers. You can now see at a glance if an error is only occurring on Internet Explorer.

OS breakdown

It is often the case that an error will be limited to a single operating system, we’ll also show you an at-a-glance breakdown of which OS each error occurred on.

We’d Love Your Feedback

Get in contact with us via email to tell us what you think about the new feature. We’d love to hear your feedback! Stay posted via our blog or twitter to see what we release tomorrow!

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